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/ Software Vault: The Diamond Collection / The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO / cdr40 / radserv.zip / RESOURCE.H < prev    next >
C/C++ Source or Header  |  1994-11-17  |  4KB  |  95 lines

  2. // App Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by RADIO.RC
  4. //
  5. #define IDCANDEL                        2
  6. #define IDD_XYESNO                      104
  7. #define IDD_XMESSAGE                    106
  8. #define IDD_RAD_SETUP                   107
  9. #define IDR_RAD_MENU                    108
  10. #define IDI_RADICON                     109
  11. #define IDD_PORTPARAMS                  110
  12. #define IDD_RADIO_DISPLAY               111
  13. #define IDC_YESNOTEXT                   1010
  14. #define IDC_XYESNOTEXT                  1010
  15. #define IDC_MSGTEXT                     1012
  16. #define IDC_XMSGTEXT                    1012
  17. #define IDNONE                          1032
  18. #define IDACTIVATE                      1033
  19. #define IDC_SETUP_DEFRX                 1034
  20. #define IDC_STATICR                     1035
  21. #define IDC_SETUP_DEFTX                 1037
  22. #define IDC_STATICR2                    1037
  23. #define IDC_STATICR0                    1038
  24. #define IDC_STATICR1                    1039
  25. #define IDB_SETUP_RXONLY                1040
  26. #define IDB_SETUP_TRANSRX               1041
  27. #define IDC_SETUP_RXBFO                 1042
  28. #define IDC_SETUP_TXBFO                 1043
  29. #define IDINITIALIZE                    1044
  30. #define IDC_STATICR3                    1045
  31. #define IDC_PORTPARAMS_PORT             1046
  32. #define IDC_STATICR4                    1047
  33. #define IDC_PORTPARAMS_BAUD             1048
  34. #define IDC_STATICR5                    1049
  35. #define IDB_STOPBITS_1                  1050
  36. #define IDB_STOPBITS_15                 1051
  37. #define IDB_STOPBITS_2                  1052
  38. #define IDC_STATICR6                    1053
  39. #define IDB_PARITY_NONE                 1054
  40. #define IDB_PARITY_ODD                  1055
  41. #define IDB_PARITY_EVEN                 1056
  42. #define IDB_PARITY_MARK                 1057
  43. #define IDC_STATICR7                    1058
  44. #define IDB_DATABITS_7                  1059
  45. #define IDB_DATABITS_8                  1060
  46. #define IDB_DATABITS_6                  1061
  47. #define IDC_STATICR8                    1062
  48. #define IDC_STATICR9                    1063
  49. #define IDC_OPTIONALS                   1064
  50. #define IDC_PORTPARAMS_OPTIONALS        1064
  51. #define IDC_STATICR10                   1065
  52. #define IDC_RDISPLAY_RXFREQ             1066
  53. #define IDC_RDISPLAY_TXFREQ             1068
  54. #define IDB_PARITY_SPACE                1069
  55. #define IDC_STATICR11                   1070
  56. #define IDC_RDISPLAY_RXCENTER           1071
  57. #define IDB_RDISPLAY_RXLED              1072
  58. #define IDB_RDISPLAY_TXLED              1073
  59. #define IDB_RDISPLAY_SQLED              1074
  60. #define IDB_RDISPLAY_BFOALED            1075
  61. #define IDC_STATICR12                   1076
  62. #define IDB_RDISPLAY_BFOBLED            1077
  63. #define IDB_RDISPLAY_RITLED             1078
  64. #define IDB_RDISPLAY_XITLED             1079
  65. #define IDB_RDISPLAY_LCKLED             1080
  66. #define IDC_RDISPLAY_SMETER             1081
  67. #define IDC_STATICR13                   1082
  68. #define IDC_RDISPLAY_VOLUME             1083
  69. #define IDC_STATICR14                   1084
  70. #define IDC_PORTPARAMS_ICDELAY          1085
  71. #define IDC_STATICX11                   1087
  72. #define IDB_HS_RTSCTS                   1088
  73. #define IDB_HS_DTR                      1089
  74. #define IDB_HS_XONXOFF                  1090
  75. #define IDM_RAD_MONITOR                 40050
  76. #define IDM_HELP                        40051
  77. #define IDM_ACTIVATE                    40051
  78. #define IDM_ABOUT                       40052
  79. #define IDM_OPTIONS_COMPORT             40055
  80. #define IDM_OPTIONS_SETTINGS            40056
  81. #define IDM_OPTIONS_SAVESETTINGS        40057
  82. #define IDM_DEACTIVATE                  40058
  84. // Next default values for new objects
  85. // 
  89. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        112
  90. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40059
  91. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1091
  92. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           501
  93. #endif
  94. #endif